
Cigarettes, E-Cigarettes, and Vapes

Smoke-free Illinois took effect on January 1, 2008, which prohibits smoking in public places, places of employment and government vehicles. It also prohibits smoking within fifteen (15) feet of any entrance an/or exit, window that opens, or ventilation system to a public place or place of employment. An amendment on July 28, 2023, adds E-cigarettes to the list of prohibited products, which went into effect January 1, 2024.

All smoking complaints are to be directed to the Smoke Free IL website ( developed by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) or to the complaint line at (866-973-4646 or 800-547-0466 (hearing impaired use only)). Complaints of smoking received from the IDPH, via the IDPH toll-free complaint line or via the web will be forwarded to CCHD Tobacco Control & Prevention (TC&P) Program Manager via the IDPH portal.


Illinois Tobacco Quitline 1-866-784-8937

M-F: 7A – 9P

Weekends: 9a – 5p


School and Community Based Education

CCHD offers educational talks on the effects of using tobacco products and harms of addiction. If you have a school or community organization interested in a presentation please reach out to our Education and Outreach Team at 217-452-3057 ext. 1343 or email

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